V. Köppen, H.-J. Lenz: Data Quality Control based on metric data models. In: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 9, Lenz, Wilrich, Schmid (eds.), Springer, Berlin 2010, p. 263 - 276.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
B. Berendt, V. Köppen: Improving Ranking by Respecting the Multidimensionality and Uncertainty of User Preferences. In: Intelligent Information Access, Armano, de Gemmis, Semeraro, Vargiu (eds.), Springer, Berlin 2010, p. 39 - 56.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
Ch. Gernert, V. Köppen: Ein Vergleich von ARIS und V-Modell XT. In: Das V-Modell XT: Grundlagen, Methodik und Anwendungen, Höhn, Höppner, Springer, Heidelberg 2008, S. 316 - 337.     [ bib ]
V. Köppen: Selection of Prof. Lenz's Contributions to Business Intelligence. In: Business Intelligence: Methods and Applications, Köppen, Müller (Hrsg.), Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, 2007, S. 1 - 10.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen: Business Process and Performance Indicator Simulation for Business Intelligence. In: Business Intelligence: Methods and Applications, Köppen, Müller (Hrsg.), Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg, 2007, S. 189 - 198.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, Ch. Gernert: Geschäftsprozesse optimal gestalten. In: Handbuch – IT in der Verwaltung, Wind, Kröger (Hrsg.), Springer, Heidelberg 2006, S. 195 - 224.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
S. S. ur Rahman, V. Köppen, G. Saake: Cellular DBMS: An Atempt Towards Biologocally-Inspired Data Management. Journal of Digital Information Management, 8(2), p.117-128, 2010.    [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, G. Saake: Einsatz von Virtueller Realität im Prozessmanagement. Industriemanagement, 26, p.49–53, 2010.    [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, N. Siegmund, M. Soffner, G. Saake: An Architecture for Interoperability of Embedded Systems and Virtual Reality. IETE Technical Review, 26(5), p.350–356, 2009.    [ bib ] [ PDF ]
Ch. Gernert, V. Köppen, O. Darkow, T. Schwarz: Von ARIS zur UML: Transformationen in der Prozessmodellierung ObjektSpektrum Nr. 6, 2005.     [ bib ] [
A. Lübcke, V. Köppen, and Gunter Saake: A Decision Model to Select the Optimal Storage Architecture for Relational Databases. RCIS, France, IEEE. 2011.
T. Winsemann, V. Köppen: Kriterien für Datenpersistenz bei Enterprise DataWarehouse Systemen auf In-Memory Datenbanken. Proceedings of the 23. GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases, Obergurgl, Austria, 2011.
A. Lübcke, Veit Köppen, and Gunter Saake: Workload Representation across Different Storage Architectures for Relational DBMS. Proceedings of the 23. GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases, Obergurgl, Austria, 2011.
J. Feigenspan, M. Schulze, M. Papendieck, Ch. Kästner, R. Dachselt, V. Köppen, M. Frisch: Using Background Colors to Support Program Comprehension in Software Product Lines. In International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2011, S. 66 - 75.
A. Lodhi, G. Kassem, V. Köppen, and G. Saake. Investigation of Graph Mining for Business Processes. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology (ICIIT), Lahore, Pakistan, IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
A. Lodhi, G. Kassem, V. Köppen, and G. Saake: Building AS-IS Process Model from Task Descriptions. Proceedings of The International Conference On Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2010), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2010. ACM Digital Library, S. 14:114:6.
St. Vornholt and V. Köppen: Data-driven and Integrated Engineering for Virtual Prototypes. The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 2010), IIIS, 2010, S. 164 - 168.
N. Siegmund, J. Feigenspan, M. Soffner, J. Fruth, V. Köppen: Challenges of Secure and Reliable Data Management in Heterogeneous Environments<. International Workshop on Digital Engineering (IWDE 2010), ACM, 2010, p. 17-24     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
A. Algergawy, R. Nayak, N. Siegmund, V. Köppen, G. Saake: Combining Schema and Level Matching For Web Service Discovery. International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), LNCS 6189, Springer, 2010: p. 114-128     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
M. Soffner, N. Siegmund, M. Pukall, V. Köppen: Towards Real-Time Data Integration and Analysis for Embedded Devices. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2009: p. 51-55     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
N. Siegmund, M. Pukall, M. Soffner, V. Köppen, G. Saake: Using software product lines for runtime interoperability. In Proceedings of Workshop on Reflection, AOP and Meta-Data for Software Evolution (RAM-SE), pages 1–7. ACM, July 2009.    [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, H.-J. Lenz : A Robustified MCMC Sampler - Metropolis Hastings Simulator with Trimming. In: Compstat 2008 Proceedings in Computational Statistics, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Porto, August 2008, p. 759 - 767.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
H.-K. Arndt, H. Graubitz, V. Köppen: Topic Maps for Representing Balanced Scorecards. In: Computational Economics and Financial and Industrial Systems, Cefis 2007, p. 120-125.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, H.-J. Lenz, H. Graubitz, H.-K. Arndt: A Procedure to Estimate Relation in a Balanced Scorecard, GfKl 2007, Freiburg,     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, H.-J. Lenz : A comparison between probabilistic and possibilistic model for data validation Compstat 2006, Rome, August 2006.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
H.-J. Lenz, V. Köppen, R. Müller : Edits - Data Cleansing at the Data Entry to assert semantic Consistency of metric Data SSDBM 2006, Wien, Juli 2006.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, M. Allgeier, H.-J. Lenz : "Balanced Scorecard Simulator" - a tool for stochastic business figures GfKl 2006, Berlin, März 2006.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, Ch. Gernert : Objektorientierte Simulation von Prozessen OOP2006, München, Januar 2006.
I. Michalarias, V. Köppen : Towards a Service Oriented Architecture for Mobile Reporting. ICIS 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Dezember 2005.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, H.-J. Lenz : Simulation of Non-Stochastic Equation Systems. Fifth St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation, 2005.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
A. Kralisch, V. Köppen : The Impact of Language on Website Use and User Satisfaction. Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Information Systems, Regensburg, 2005.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, A. Hausmann, H.-J. Lenz: Simulation - A Support for Controllers Decision Process. Proceedings of ICTM 2005: "Challenges and Prospects", Melaka, 2005, S. 1155 - 1170.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
V. Köppen, T. Schwarz, Ch. Gernert : Ein Transformationsprozess in der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung. Petrasch et al. (Hrsg.) Entscheidungsfall Vorgehensmodelle, 12. Workshop der WI-VM der GI, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2005.     [ bib ] [ PDF ]
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